Coding & Programing

We have good experience in coding & software engineering field, where we can provide :-

Web, Mobile, Application & Game Development.


Web, Mobile, Application & Game Development.

ASM has sightfull experience in coding & programing fields and especially on Web Development, Mobile Development, Application Development & Game Development ASM uses high demand coding languages & platforms such as Html, CSS, Java Script, React, Node js, Express js, Python, c++, c#, Java, Android Studio, PyQT, Flask, Django, Blender, Unity, databases Mongo DB & Mysql.

Previous projects & Knowledge

1- Building a responsive personal portfolio website adaptable to all devices, with ui components and animated interactions, Using html, CSS & javascript.
2- Space Eagle Mobile Game, Using Blender, C# & Unity engine.
3- Computer Program To Manage Student Registration System (CRUD) Online With Login Page Using Python.
4- Offline Web Page (CRUD) To Manage Products Of Store Using html, CSS & javascript.
5- Drag Basketball Mobile Game Using Blender, C# & Unity engine.
6- Market Store Using C++.
7- PDF to text, translator for excel & PDF, Automation email, pycad, Calculater & etc.. using Python.
8- Basics of React.
9- Learning Basics of Node Js & Express JS.
10- Basics of Django.
11- Basics of Flask
12- Basics of Flutter & Dart.
13- Basics of java.
14- Basics of Php.
15- Basics of databases Mongo DB & Mysql.
16- Basics of PYQT.
17- Building a responsive ASM company website adaptable to all devices, with ui components and animated interactions, Using html, CSS & javascript.