Infrastructure Technical & Design Services

We have excellent experience in Infrastructure field, where we can provide :-

Pipes networks such as water, irrigation, force main & sewerage networks

Roads Design & city planning.

Water Structure such as wtp, wwtp, pump stations & etc.


Pipes Networks Design.

ASM will study the topography of target area, make calculation of water demand and future population, study old networks and propose how to enhance its workablity to be effecient with future demands.

We also offer step by step cooperation with developing the infrastructure of new cities & industerial zones.

ASM uses high demand softwares to accurately finalize designs/ drawings such as Watercad, Sewercad, Stormcad, Water Hummer, Autocad Civil 3D, Revit, Autocad & mathcad.

Previous projects

ASM has worked in differnt kind of pipes and chambers materials, and will advise to follow the international Codes regarding all required components in network.

We have Finished and delivered successfully many projects all over the world such as Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Austalia, UK, Canada, USA, Pakistan & UAE as shown on images.

Roads Design.

We Do study the topography and nearby areas to design an economical roads design, & plan full cities routes.

We will also apply codes formula to ensure we have excellent horizontal & vertical curves of the road.

ASM uses most common softwares to finalize structural analysis & designs/ drawings such as Autocad Civil 3D, Revit & Autocad.

Previous projects

ASM usually propose the expected number of trips over the road and coordinate with geotechnical consultand to determine the road base and subbase fill thickness & materials.

We have Finished and delivered successfully many projects all over the world such as Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Austalia, UK, Canada, USA, Pakistan & UAE as shown on images.

Water Structure Design.

ASM Offer plan and hydraulic design for different ellements of water treatment plant, waste water treatment plant, pump stations & sea water desalination

ASM uses most common softwares to finalize structural analysis & designs/ drawings such as Revit & Autocad

Previous projects

ASM make calculation of water demand and future population, study old networks and propose how to enhance its workablity to be effecient with future demands.

We have Finished and delivered successfully many projects all over the world such as Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Austalia, UK, Canada, USA, Pakistan & UAE as shown on images.