Freelance Projects
Photo GallaryFreelancer
From 1/09/2012 to Current Date:
1- Design of Force main pipe line an choose the suitable pump for a project in St. Simons Island in Glynn County, Georgia, United States.
2- Design Four huge industrial steel hangers With areas upto 5000 m2 in Albeheira, Egypt.
3- Design of Laboratory multi story steel building (Composite section slab) in California, United States.
4- Structural analysis for small industrial steel structure in Australia.
5- Draw contour maps for a project in United States.
6- Design of 8 R.C villas in Raydah, K.S.A.
7- Make time schedule for siphon pipe line in Canada.
8-Design for industrial steel building in Nubaria city with bolted connections details.
9-Design of multi stories building in Damanhour City.
10- Schedule water pipe line project & hospital in K.S.A. using primavera p6.
11- Draw shop drawings & profiles for water pipelines in K.S.A.
12- Supervision of Residential buildings in Damanhour city.
13-Design of many R.C villas, service building and steel structures in K.S.A.
14-Sewer, storm water, contours site plan and site work design and calculation of cut and fill soil quantities in Australia (kallstar pty ltd).
15- Design and supervision of Residential buildings in Damanhour city.
16- Design of 13 stories tower (on piles foundation) in Damanhour city.